Gas prices are too high.

You sit next to a stranger on a bus. You’re in for a long ride. You’ll never see her again. You can say anything you like. Anything. Tell her you love her.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Prompted by seeing a Drudge headline that gasoline is under $2 in Omaha.

I could drive to all of these in less than five minutes -- except that my car battery is dead. Mine isn't and I'm not. Shell is really proud of its gasoline. It's priced 10% higher than others, and you'll get lower gas mileage because it contains 10% ethanol.



PS. Since I was awake, I found something else to do: Gas prices are too high and I'm all stuffed up again and can't sleep, a couple of "blogs" I just created. (If those hyperlinks don't work, here are the addresses to paste in your browser address bar: &


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